Buy into Michael’s thorough preparation, direction, and market awareness. It is guaranteed to make the task of selling your property easier and more successful. Clients praise how Michael is always Being There, moving diligently and expertly from an understanding and clarification of needs and expectations, to appropriate pricing and professional property staging. Count on the reliability of his
25-Step Marketing Strategy and state-of-the-art communications technology to optimize the exposure of your property through traditional and digital media. And Michaels negotiating skills have been proven over and over again, successfully
securing the best possible deal for his clients.
Yes, the tasks and procedures are different from selling a property. Measuring client purchasing objectives against market and financial realities, neighbourhood preferences, mortgage pre-qualification status, and so on, requires honest and constructive feedback – the kind, in fact, that Michael’s considerable experience and market awareness provides. Michael’s detailed research provides a list of potential properties that fit your objectives and criteria. Negotiating an optimum price for your chosen property is familiar territory for Michael who has it well in hand. And Michael’s Being There motto will find him with you right up to when the keys to your new home are delivered.